Kelly’s House


Ryan’s Place

Provide support for a Child with Special Needs today!

In Guatemala, as in most developing countries, children with disabilities are among the most marginalized population. Often children born with disabilities are, at best, outcasts; at worst, they are discarded at birth or in early childhood.

At Hope of Life, we believe that every life matters. That’s why children with special needs have been part of our core programming for more than 37 years, and why Kelly’s House and Ryan’s Place are two of our favorite spots on campus. These facilities provide for one of the most marginalized populations in Central America: children with developmental and physical disabilities.

At Kelly’s House, children who have been permanently affected by severe malnutrition can improve and maintain motor, occupational and life skills, receive daily medical support, specialized nutrition, custom care and lots of love. At Ryan’s Place, children and their families receive outpatient support via therapy, counseling, food subsidy, and training in home care techniques: enabling families to stay together at home by raising capacity of parents and loved ones to care for special children, and breaking local stereotypes surrounding disability.

Would you and your family help us care for children with special needs in Guatemala? Monthly Support of Kelly’s House and Ryan’s Place provides full-time care and outpatient opportunities for children and families who have no real options for support in this region. With your help, we can continue helping families like Emma’s, whose dad recently shared with us about the impact Ryan’s Place is making in the life of their family: “When Emma entered this program, she had no mobility in her body – but we have seen since day one the progress she is making in physical therapy: now she can move her own body and has has many changes physically. For many years my wife and I have had a big dream for our daughter: we want to see her stand and walk on her own – and we dream of talking with her. We know that by crying out to God, he answers; I ave no doubt he hears every cry we cry out in faith, as those we pray for our Emma. We are so grateful to be part of this program, and thank you on behalf of our entire family.”

We know that children with special needs enjoy being cuddled, tickled, sung to, and played with just like any kid. As permanent guardians of many Kelly’s House residents, entrusted with the wellbeing of our patients by their families, we make sure there are pastoral care and discipleship resources for families, as well as Biblical education for each child.

To find out more about Kelly’s House or Ryan’s Place, please email